I love Staples. I just love it. I could wonder the aisles for hours. Much like Walgreens. But anyway, yesterday I went in with a list of very practical, needed items. (I've decided I need to work more with lists. That's what organized people do, right?) And yet, funny enough, I still came away with items not on the list. Not sold on the list concept as of yet. But, the good news is the new shredder I got will only be $10 after rebate. I mean, how do you beat that?! And the endless amusement I will get from using the shredder will be more than worth the $10. Also found a very knowledgable employee who walked me through the ins and outs of wireless printers. Did you know you can buy printers now that are wi-fi? yes, yes you can. This eliminates the need for a wireless printer router. Never mind the fact that you may have a perfectly capable working printer, and that the cheapest wireless printer is double the cost of the router (and of course they only go up in price). I'm realizing that the reason Staples promotes the easy button is because its so easy to spend money there.

1 comment:
Even someone who consistently lives off of lists inevitably ends up wtih things not on the list!
love you.
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