Thursday, December 13, 2007

lumbar extender

So I am not a flexible person. When I was in 5th grade and we had to do that blasted presidential fitness test of situps, pushups, the mile (gaahhh), flexibility, etc....I was the least, the LEAST flexible person in my gym class. I am not making that up. I could not even TOUCH the little silver thing, let along push it. For those of you who don't know where that little silver thing is, its probably mid to low shin. By the way, I know that's not normal. When I was 4, I told my mother she could not put me in dance and make me do the splits. I even did synchronized swimming for a year in high school, and after a year of consistent stretching, I was not even remotely close to the splits. I'd actually like to write to Dr. Oz via Oprah's website, because *someone* very special in my life accuses me of this being in my head. And I would like Dr Oz to validate the fact that perhaps I have extra ligaments in my back or legs, or some sort of little known congenital condition/deficiency. But anyway, I am here to let you all in on a little known (okay, not even remotely known) secret of back stretching. Its called the lumbar extender. And it is the bomb. When I put in a hard day's practice...... okay 2 hours of practice....fine.... 15 minutes..... nothing feels better than lying on this baby. Check it out at

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