Tuesday, January 15, 2008

looking for laptop recommendations

So if I may, I will continue my computer saga for a bit longer. Last Friday I picked up an almost fully functioning laptop. They restored all of my information and reinstalled any lost programs. They did notice that my optical drive (I think that's the part that reads CDs or DVD's) was acting fussy, but they had successfully used it to reinstall stuff so it should be okay. Got home, spent some time on my laptop, all was good. Tried to import a CD into itunes and was not able to get it to work, so I started wondering if I now needed to get a stupid new optical drive. Well, there is one way to get around a simple repair like that. And that is to create the need for a bigger repair. Which is what I did the very. next. morning, when the laptop crashed to the floor (hard, laminate floor) from a high bar stool. Needless to say, it doesn't work at all now.

Oh and my tivo broke too. So they're sending me (i.e. I am paying for) a new one. WHAT are the chances?!?!?

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