So I bought a flash drive for the first time ever, in an attempt to start thinking about backing up my laptop. First time I'd *ever* intended to back up. Seriously, I was so proud. Anyway, so get this.... later that day, I got a suspicious message saying I had an infected file. Then the next morning, I got a message about having a corrupt user profile or something, and I could not log on. Could that be any more ironic?!? And do you think I had backed up before that happened? Of course not, I was too busy shopping online. So my laptop is at the computer doctor now and I am just waiting for the diagnosis. sigh. In other news, it is the start of Thursdays nights with 'the ladyfingers', and Megan and I are gearing up for our show tonight! Roxi is out of town, so its just the 2 of us for this show. Will be back with an update after its over. I've been singing all the live long day, so I am now being silent and drinking my 'throat coat' tea. (best stuff ever)
Otherwise, I have attached some random pics of Megan's birthday, and the shot we may use for our promo poster.