Sunday, January 20, 2008

Our first weekend at the bistro

Whew! We made it. And we are done with firsts for awhile, so I will turn my blogging attention to something else now. :o) All in all though it was an absolute ball. Here are some pics from Saturday night.

We have: Andy, Keely and Dane:
Lacey, Tim and me involved in what looks to be a rather odd conversation.

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Tuesday, January 15, 2008

looking for laptop recommendations

So if I may, I will continue my computer saga for a bit longer. Last Friday I picked up an almost fully functioning laptop. They restored all of my information and reinstalled any lost programs. They did notice that my optical drive (I think that's the part that reads CDs or DVD's) was acting fussy, but they had successfully used it to reinstall stuff so it should be okay. Got home, spent some time on my laptop, all was good. Tried to import a CD into itunes and was not able to get it to work, so I started wondering if I now needed to get a stupid new optical drive. Well, there is one way to get around a simple repair like that. And that is to create the need for a bigger repair. Which is what I did the very. next. morning, when the laptop crashed to the floor (hard, laminate floor) from a high bar stool. Needless to say, it doesn't work at all now.

Oh and my tivo broke too. So they're sending me (i.e. I am paying for) a new one. WHAT are the chances?!?!?

Thursday, January 10, 2008

pics from Thursday night

so here we are before our first night as a trio:

sis and me:
Roxi and Megan:
deep in thought apparently:

the leaning tower of Whitney, along with Dane and Lacey:

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

the news is in....

and it's not good. For anyone who is feeling sympathy to spare, send it my way would ya. Found out that I need a new hard drive and operating system on the laptop. Less than 2 years old. 2 years!!! I decided to bite the bullet and have it repaired though because the cost is less than a new laptop, and according to the computer doctor, it will run better than new. And they were able to recover 16 gigs worth of files. No way of telling which files of course. That's helpful. Makes me think of some sort of twisted game show. Guess which files I still have and which are lost forever?!? In other news, I forgot my camera Thursday and am waiting for some pics, but all in all, the evening was a success. This week all 3 of us will be there, so that should be fun too.

And while I have your attention, I have another thing on my mind. What is with the Weight Watchers Carrot Cake deals worth 1 point?! I was feeling especially carb binge-y the other day and was wandering the pastry section of Target. Came away with a big plastic tub of gingerbread cookies and then started feeling guilty so I picked up a Weight Watchers dessert right next to it. I love how they have them next to each other. Who wants a Weight Watchers dessert when 4 rows of real desserts are right there? Well me obviously because I did come away with some carrot cake. Now I don't do Weight Watchers, but crimeny....of course they're one point. They're one bite. So I had 4 or 5 points worth of carrot cake tonight. I lost track somewhere after 3.

Thursday, January 3, 2008


So I bought a flash drive for the first time ever, in an attempt to start thinking about backing up my laptop. First time I'd *ever* intended to back up. Seriously, I was so proud. Anyway, so get this.... later that day, I got a suspicious message saying I had an infected file. Then the next morning, I got a message about having a corrupt user profile or something, and I could not log on. Could that be any more ironic?!? And do you think I had backed up before that happened? Of course not, I was too busy shopping online. So my laptop is at the computer doctor now and I am just waiting for the diagnosis. sigh. In other news, it is the start of Thursdays nights with 'the ladyfingers', and Megan and I are gearing up for our show tonight! Roxi is out of town, so its just the 2 of us for this show. Will be back with an update after its over. I've been singing all the live long day, so I am now being silent and drinking my 'throat coat' tea. (best stuff ever)
Otherwise, I have attached some random pics of Megan's birthday, and the shot we may use for our promo poster.

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